Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i'm drunk.........

But really, what's new? NOTHING!!! I spend my time drinking. getting drunk. working out. getting drunk. eating things that make me fat. drinking more, then drinking some more.... What the FUCK?????
OK, So.... I have NO self control.
I DO like to think of myself as an attractive woman. BUT.....Am I? Really???????
Well.....YES!! Of course I am!!!
I mean it's all about positive thinking, right???????


I met a fortune teller tonight!

She looked at me and told me in a round-about-way what I thought I was thinking. Now, is that a coincidence or just pure luck? Was I just susceptible to her sayings?
I think not. This gal was good.
I tend to believe in cosmic things, SO I believe it was sorta cosmic. She told me that I, "Just needed to let go." That, "I've been wanting to leave, yet, 'the people I love' I'm afraid that they won't come with me.......Well, she assured me that when I make the decision to go, that 'they' will follow....

Now, get me straight. This woman didn't know me from frickin Adam. Yet, she was,Spot On.
Either way. There are so many other things to be told. But, Iz GOTZ to go to bed!
So,Ciao for NOW.

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