Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i'm drunk.........

But really, what's new? NOTHING!!! I spend my time drinking. getting drunk. working out. getting drunk. eating things that make me fat. drinking more, then drinking some more.... What the FUCK?????
OK, So.... I have NO self control.
I DO like to think of myself as an attractive woman. BUT.....Am I? Really???????
Well.....YES!! Of course I am!!!
I mean it's all about positive thinking, right???????


I met a fortune teller tonight!

She looked at me and told me in a round-about-way what I thought I was thinking. Now, is that a coincidence or just pure luck? Was I just susceptible to her sayings?
I think not. This gal was good.
I tend to believe in cosmic things, SO I believe it was sorta cosmic. She told me that I, "Just needed to let go." That, "I've been wanting to leave, yet, 'the people I love' I'm afraid that they won't come with me.......Well, she assured me that when I make the decision to go, that 'they' will follow....

Now, get me straight. This woman didn't know me from frickin Adam. Yet, she was,Spot On.
Either way. There are so many other things to be told. But, Iz GOTZ to go to bed!
So,Ciao for NOW.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pent up and need to ride

Well it has been awhile since my last post. No biking, no material .

I so miss my bike! The gym is not the same.

Well speaking of the gym, I have seen some strange things. One time after an agonizing workout, I go in the locker room to change and well, there is this lady sitting on a bench.

No wait it gets better,

She is a somewhat large lady, all hunched over trying to look at her Whoo Haaa. I don't(or can't) believe she knew I was coming. WOW! Do that stuff at home people. That is why they sell full length mirrors.

When ever I am driving, and I see bums the memories just flood back. I miss my sore ass, crotch cramp, and everything else associated with biking.

I feel like the lack of yelling at people in their cars is causing me to take it out on innocent bystanders. Hey, Fuck You!

Oops see what I mean. Nothing personal, just pent up and need to ride.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I had a dream, I had an awesome dream!

I dreamt that I was walking down a snowy bike trail and a bum with a very large dog walked by me and bit me on the arm.(the bum, NOT the dog)
Then I turned over....
And dreamt that I was driving a snow machine with a trailer attached, that had a bunch O booze on it, in the Toy-Z-R-crust parking lot trying to find a camping spot. The only thing was, was that the parking lot was already full of bums camping out and I was afraid that if I stopped the bums would attack me and drink all my booze.
It made me reminiscent of our bum family....
I'm not really into analyzing my dreams too much, but this one sorta perplexed me.
(I only really try to when they are really when I dreamt about riding the flying toilet)
I mean, I GET the booze part and I get the being in the winter part, but the rest?
I think maybe my was my brain trying to cope with this frigid weather, (I mean shit!can it get any colder?) and maybe the bum reference was to summer and my longing for it?
Either way. Blurp.
I'm looking forward to my eyelashes not freezing up on our daily walk, and I'm also really looking forward to the day when I don't have to start my car 30 minutes before I leave. (Thank god gas prices are somewhat cheaper these days)

Oh, and I dream of my bike too.

Right now it's all lonely and cold in the shed. It's just waiting for me to open the doors, tune it up and start riding again, I just know it.
What a happy day that will be!