In an effort to stay my hand when I'm totally waisted, I decided to make an attempt at blogging instead, when I'm totally hung over!
Usually, we have girls night on Tuesdays. This has been the ritual for years. Meet up after work, drink beers, bull shit. Fun? right?
Last year when we started biking we would often stop off @ WILL'S PLACE, it was midway through the ride and far too often a good excuse to get our drink on. Well, after awhils we wound up spending practically almost every night there.
(Vicious Cycle!!!) ***ha ha biking humor *** sorry, that was lame****
Anyway, the more we biked, the more we drank. Our families were calling us alcoholics, we stopped cooking, we stopped cleaning, we stopped washing our hair..We started wearing bum clothes we found on the trails...No, seriously though, the only thing we really cared about was getting on our bikes and going long enough to justify drinking that next beer.
I know that I don't need to explain to you people that if your trying to lose weight and become true biking goddesses, drinking copious amounts of beer is NOT conducive.
In fact, I just read that even if you exercise excessively, you shouldn't crank up your intake of beer because you really haven't 'just worked it off!!' Can you fucking believe that shit? God Damn it, NOT FAIR!
It's no wonder my legs are as strong as an ox but my gut is still a gelatinous mass of gooo!(I swear! I do have a six pack under it all!)
In fact, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I remember DANGER GIRL mumbling something about, "having to work that mid section to get rid of the flab, blah blah blah...." and "maybe we should quit drinking so much beer, blah blah blah" Oh and, "drunk biking is fun til you fall down, blah blah blah...."
Sometimes I suspect she's just out to ruin my binging.
Either way. This year as the biking is starting up again we have regaled ourselves to Thursday night bike trips. We start out at my house and bike to where ever the beer may be... Last week it was 7 miles away. And, trust me! It's not fun to hop on your bike after 5 beers and ride 7 miles back the way you came.(YES, I said 5 beers, but who's counting?) Now, I did it mind you. But, it sure was difficult with my big Ol' fat belly sloshing full of beer the whole way.
Having said all of that, I think I'm going to use this year to slow down a bit on the beer. YEpS! You heard it here first folks! Straight from my fingertips to this blog.
Instead I think I'll start experimenting. Like, rather than beer, I'll drink wine or scotch or, maybe, just quit drinking all together....
What the hell am I talking about?
WHO, (for that matter) AM I even talking about?
me? yeah right.
I guess I'll really have to decide after I start biking to & from work again... (next week!) That is when half way home I'll pass WILL'S PLACE and the beer will start calling my name..."SOGS! SOGS! come in and have a nice, cold, refreshing Delirium Tremmons!!"
CRAP! It's gonna be a long summer.
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