I just thought that I'd give a shout out to MY LITTLE BLACK RAIN CLOUD! She got her grade 12!!!! And, now I get to give my self a big fat fucking pat on the back for raisin' the little shit and gettin her all gradumatated....
1 down and 1 to go!!! Aha ha aha ha ha!!
This time 2 years from now I'm gonna be sitting on a beach somewhere without a care in the world. And, for that matter, any children clinging to my leg begging me for attention, money, food, new shoes, lunch money, a car.. etc etc..
And, to be honest with all of you non-existent readers out there, it's all about MY accomplishment. I mean, it's fucking awesome that she did it, but guess what?
I shat her from my loins. I changed her shorts. I spanked her butt. I yelled at her at all the right (and sometime wrong) times. I paid for that tutor when she didn't understand math. I put up with her raging hormones through puberty. I squawked appropriately when I found out she was smokin the weed cigarettes. I told her I'd be happy to let her move out at 16 and quit school cause it was ultimately her life and what she did with it had no real reflection upon me. I told her I was proud that she decided to stay in school and actually get her diploma.
So there.
I'm going to her graduation tonight and I may even shed a little tear.
YES, me. The calloused person I am. I just might cry a little.
But, don't mistake it for tears of sadness, it's certainly NOT that.
It's gonna be tears of fuckin joy, cause I am SO gorram close to freedom I might just shit my pants.
I love you MLBRC.
God I wonder if my TEENAGE OFFSPRING will ever get there. Everyone please take a moment to pray to me, I mean him. That someday he will graduate and move out.
God I wonder if my TEENAGE OFFSPRING will ever get there. Everyone please take a moment to pray to me, I mean him. That someday he will graduate and move out.
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