It seems to be a conundrum in my life that every time I start getting a little shitty, I want to blog.. hmmm.???
Maybe I should seek counseling?
Well, this week was the beginning for 'bike to work week'.....
Needless to say, I started today. I had to go it alone cause DANGER GIRL is busy 'busying' herself with her fuckin trip to Seattle. (bitch!) (with out me, I might mention!)
I just worked up my year budget and decided that I might have to skip my yearly music festival.
That is, if I want to take the much wanted trip to Scotland next year.. DaMN! WHY the hell can't I be independently wealthy? I poo on my ancestors for not 'brithing' me w/ a silver spoon in my wittle baby mouth!!!
I suppose I shouldn't dwell too very much. I'm a fucking AMERICAN, right? I can make my own gorram way! I mean, that IS the American dream right??
make money.. spend it..make more money.. spend it... make more..spend it.... and on and on and on .....
I told the DR today that he would have to take 3 weeks off next year to make up for all of his ill planned, 'not coinciding with my vacation time', this year.
It's a good thing he listens. Otherwise, I think I might have to just become a vagrant.. Living off the fat O' the land... Biking from winery to winery..begging for cast off wines. Either that, or I might just have to move to Switzerland and become a sheep herder. Who knows? Hell! I'm so close to freedom I might just commandeer a ship and start pirating!! Screw you Somalians! I'll do it MY WAY!!
OH, SO...
I joined a soft ball team!
Whoo Hooo!
I am a crappy soft ball player. (To say the very least, I am mediocre at ALL sports, including, but not limited too...Frolfing, curling, golfing, tennis, bowling, soccer, darts..is that a sport? beer pong, lawn bowling, racket ball, basket ball, shuffle board, horse shoes...etc...etc...)
Well, last night during our 'double header' I was waaaaay out in left field, I realized that in all actuality I really prefer to be involved in things that:
A)you drink copious amounts O beer..
B)have no actual commitment...
C)see cute guys on a regular basis...Or, at least some firemen on a regular basis.
*(Which I totally did this morning on my ride to work, and I TOTALLY waved and blew some kisses too)**
Not too much to ask, right?
Well, I DID get a shirt. So, I suppose that means I'm sorta committed. In a sense........
I suppose.. SHIT
DAMN IT!! Why the hell do I DO THAT??
I mean, really? I really don't have enough crap to do. I should join a soft ball team. Right??
Maybe, that is what I'm lacking from my life. TEAM comradary.
THAT's it!!!
Is it ok to be resentful of yourself for doing stuff that you really don't want to do.. but, you have nothing better to do, so you do it anyway?
I mean, just to say your doing something??
Even if your just 'mildly' curious about it and would probably do better watching from the sidelines rather than actually participating??
NOOOOO!!! Fuck it!
Go! Throw yerself in 'full bore'.. just see if your knees are capable of 'running' and if your throwing arm actually ' can really' throw.. and, if your batting arm is 'just as good' as it was 6 FUCKING years ago???? hmmm???
I could be glutton.
I'll admit it.
I'll (try to) quit ranting.
Like I said. I've had a bit to drink tonight. Not, falling down drunkin biking drunk....Like, (I hate to mention names, but...) FEMALE JIM the other night, but still.. I'm glad to be at my computer in the safety of my own home.........
I apparently am not a team player. Therefore I could not join a soft ball team or any other team. I only got on the 4.09 team because I am good a drinking.
your a good drinking?? Could you come over here and make me one? i need a refresher
Yes I will tell my boss that in order to be a team player I must leave work to refresh your drinks.
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