What do you suppose Kermit is doing with his other hand?
I'm working on developing my patience.
You see, I'm a very impatient person. (believe it or not!) I don't order shit on line cause I want it in my hands, right now! It's hard for me to make travel plans cause I about die just waiting for the departure date.
Why the hell do you think I'm learning how to fly planes? So I can GET IN, AND FUCKIN GO!!!
However, you really wouldn't believe it by hangin w/ me. Especially, if you took my blood pressure.
Currently a steady 100/70.. thank-you very much!
See? I TOLD you I'm TOTALLY relaxed.
*And, it takes a lot to get me riled.. (Well, unless I'm feelin a bit feisty and there is some sexy-time to be had!)
But, still I have this impatience factor.
Who do I blame for this?
Certainly not myself?!?!?!!
NO! never. That wouldn't be the FAT AMERICAN way would it?
My parents? YES!
That's the ticket!
I mean they were completely dysfunctional, right?
(although surprisingly my siblings & I turned out 'nearly' unscathed.)
but, either way, I think I still will blame them.
Being a parent myself, I feel completely justified in saying that my parents were the ones that TOTALLY fucked me up.
ho hum. I suppose I'll just finish the bottle of wine I've started and justify away my copious amounts of drinking too.
See? Everything is better when you put a little booze, delusion and rose colored glasses onto it!
Try it. You'll see!
I went flying today. It's such a different world up in the great blue yonder. Totally surreal.
We almost killed a couple eagles that decided to come flying near us.
Thank goodness we didn't.
Nothing like seeing the bottom side of an eagle 4 feet from your plane.
I seriously didn't want to end up like John Denver.
Common! You people remember what happened to him?!! (and I'm not talking about dieing in a plane crash either.)
Albeit, not the same, but still I'm sure there is some kind of consequences to killing our national bird.
At the very least I'd get audited or something.
***After further research I think his name must have been expunged. I can't find shit about him killing bald Eagles. and, hell! I LOOKED. Nothin. Nada. I swear I have a memory of that. CRAP!***** ok. my sources (my memory mostly) is not really reliable due to; A)the amount of liquor I consume.. and, B)the occasional puff O' weed...
Like I said, I blame my parents.
1 comment:
when do i get to be a passenger??? i loves me a little plane.
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