Wednesday, April 29, 2009


DANGER GIRL just pointed out to me that my drunkin rants have, "nothing to do, what-so-ever with biking." To which I replied... "like I fuckin care!"
It's my gorram blog! I will do what ever I want!
So there!
and, for the record...I RARELY partake in the ganja. In fact, it is SO rare that I don't even remember how to work that bong that lives in my closet....and the pipe that co-habitates w/my dildo's in that one drawer.
I mean, if ever!
Scarcely touch the stuff.
yep. practically ever...

wait.. hold on... gotta take a .. uh.. um......
*cough* cough*


like I was sayin...

hardly ever.

DANGER GIRL is right. I should quit drunkin blogging.

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