Monday, April 27, 2009

122 posts..

THAT is my goal.
You see, FEMALE JIM started a blog awhile ago and it never got past 122 posts.
When she started it, the dream was alive, it burned in our guts like fire!
Yet, 122 posts later....the magic number arrived and one stormy night it got into a really bad drunkin 'blog' accident .....No one bailed it outta jail and it spent a week there because it couldn't afford the fines. Once free the downward spiral resulted in it neglecting to arrive for court hearings and eventually (of course) skipping community service.
Not to mention, there never was a way to pay those lingering medical bills.......

SO, eventually rather than live on the dole, sucking the life force of every hard working stiff that ever got drunk and blogged, F.JIM logged on one day and (for the betterment of all mankind) pulled the plug......

No one ever held a service...

But, I want you all to know that I mourned.
I mean, not so much that I felt the need to send flowers.. still....
I mourned the loss of my drunkin forum.
My ONE outlet.
My catalyst to make all my drinkin 'ok' in the eyes of the lord. Well, AND the unwashed masses that really enjoyed living vicariously through our antics.
the story behind CHOWDER HEAD??? Now THAT is classic.
Either way. It's dead now. We all must hike up our britches and move the fuck on.

Which is what I have done.

I have 'brithed' (as MY LITTLE BLACK RAIN CLOUD so frequently misspells it) A New! Better! More improved blog!

I know I can never replace the empty spot left by CHOWDER HEAD IS DRUNK AGAIN, but I can, at the very least give my best effort to keeping our 1 or 2 readers entertained with my bad grammar and punctuation.

Sincerely Yours,

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