All week it has been raining intermediately.
This morning seems to be the most we've been rained on though.
I really couldn't tell you what I was thinking this morning when I left my house with out an extra change of clothes. I have my jacket draped over the air conditioner and my pants are hanging over a fan.
My hair is still wet too.
I thought about porky pigging around the office, but I really don't think the patients would appreciate my ass hanging out.
(Albeit, I will admit that it is becoming a very sweet ass!)
I like the idea of facing the elements and all, but this is getting to be a little much. SISTER even said, "you guys are crazy to be riding in this stuff!".
She very well may be on to something!
But, any whoo....speaking of crazy......
Yesterday, when we were heading home we stopped off @ WILLS PLACE to warm the cockles of our hearts with beer. Like I've said before, WILL is a hard core biker. He does not fuck around. Well, WILL and some other HCB's were talking shop. It was like they were speaking a totally different language.
Here is a sampling of some of the words they were just 'throwin around':
Titanium, (expensive but lighter! ~ I learned that!)
Downhill Rig
48lb Banger
Internal Hub
Planetary gearing....
That's just naming a few.
DANGER GIRL and I were trying to pick up as much as we possibly could so we too will sound cool when we talk about our bikes.
However, in the end both of our heads were spinning.. We came to the conclusion that although we may consider ourselves (ah hem...)bikers. No matter what we say, we really are NOT bikers.
They have their own cult. They ride down mountains. They talk about how they would like to get their bikes under 40lbs so they can have "sick rides". They ride in the winter time. They don't even own cars!!!!
All I can really say to that is....
There is no way in hell I'm riding a bike in the winter time.
You can't make me!!!!
Shit, I'll be happy to make it home today in the pouring rain!
Oh Well, hell...At least I can porky pig at home!
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