OK... Here are OUR asses. You see'em. Right? Well, there they are! ~There will be periodic updates on shrinkage, if any~ (I am, however... At best, optimistic about it!)
After stopping off @ WILS' PLACE tonight AND drinking copious amounts of beer, I've finally made it home. I mean, I've just been pining to get home and post a picture of my ass on the inter web! I swear!
Either way, here we be.
Well, while I'm on the subject, I would like to expound upon the thoughts running through my mind today.
First, I would like to say that I have to pay homage to ALL the bikers.... EVERYWHERE.
While we are not the first, nor the last, nor the fittest,..
~Let alone the skinniest.~ We do..
AND, I will have you all know that we are fighting tyranny, oppression, high gas prices, Big government(aka..THE MAN), being fat, stupid people, and the everyday doldrums that life seems to offer us.
Secondly, I would like to say that YES, we are committed.
We are committed to biking everyday. We are committed to yelling and cursing at motorists that are inconsiderate. We are committed to "stickin it to the MAN", (then, of course, bragging about "Stickin it to the MAN")
We are thankful for red lights, and not to mention,the DOWN HILL.. ( I capitalized that for a reason, ~you fat biker girls know what I speak of.......)
And, last but not least, I would like to share my mantras...The ones that I wake up to everyday...That keep me going. That get me out of bed after a night of 3-8 beers, 1-3 Caucasian Gary's, and maybe some (4-6, maybe 8) glasses of wine.. A few shots of Jager.. Then a night cap of Brandy.. (On the rocks, of course!)
Hey, water is good for you!
My Mantras:
"Quarter to 6, get rid of this!" ~ This all said while pointing at my big fat gut.~
and.. Also,
"6:45,trim those thighs!"
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