Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lets ride!

Well today makes it 8 days , 16 rides and 160 miles!!!!!!!!!! Yeah for us. Since this is my first time writing , I would like to review what the last few rides have been like. The first day I was over joyed at the fact that I actually did it. I had to walk up a few hills and was breathing heavy for most of the day. The first ride is the hardest.
About day two I was accosted by a crack head Mexican. I now will be carrying a large copper wire whip . (Thanks to the cute electrician I know) So watch out crackhead if I encounter you again I may whip you silly.
I suffer from a severe case of Bike Rage! If one more person, almost runs me over in the cross walk , because they are talking on their cell phone and not paying attention, may the Gods help me I will punch in their window , snatch the phone from their ear and kindly shove it up their ass. After I see the tortured look of pain on their face I will throw my bike on their car and kick their tires. Phew so much rage!
Well that will be all for now. Until the next ride , may you be inspired!

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