The end is near!!!! Lord help us all!!!
What with school starting and MINI ME needing a ride everyday it really is gonna put the kibosh on biking. Not to mention the impending cold weather and snow. Shit.
I'm really going to miss making fun of all those people in their tin cans driving to work. I'm also going to miss my padded wallet. I estimate that over the summer I have probably saved approximately $1200.00 in gas. Now, THAT is sticken it to the man, if I do say so myself!!
I will now have to resign myself to driving in traffic once again. UUUUGggghh...
I DON'T want to do it!!!!!
Why can't global warming speed up? Just wait, it'll finally happen when I'm so old and decrepit that I can't even entertain thoughts of riding a bike. By then I'll be too busy shitting my pants and telling the same stories over and over and over again...
Mark my words people.
I've have been comforting myself with FEMALE JIM'S stories of the gym. I have visions of emerging from winter, muscle bound and completely svelte. Of course that was supposed to happen at the end of a summer of biking. Unfortunately for me I just can't quit eating and drinking copious amounts of beer.
I wish I had the discipline to extricate all of the vises I so dearly hold on too..
Ahh well.. I am what I am.
MY LITTLE BLACK RAIN CLOUD, MINI ME and myself are heading off to Seattle to celebrate MLBRC's 18Th Bday. We will spend time tooling around Seattle and then we will party it up @ Bumbershoot! OTHER BROTHER, COOOLEEN, and SISTER will be joining us later in the week. WHoo HOO!!!!
I will leave this (lately somewhat neglected) blog in the hands of DANGER GIRL. She will have to regale you all with stories of drunken biking and bum sightings.
I trust she will do us all proud.
Until then,
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