YEs. I am alone. No one comments on my blog and no one writes any longer, especially me! It's like once I put my bike in the shed, POOF! nothing. My mind dried up.
I suppose I can attribute it to joining the gym and getting up every fricken morning @ 5:45am to work out w/ MINI ME... I mean, beyond yesterday and the weekend.... Those days I was just either too damn lazy or too damn drunk.
(I hate being on the computer when I am drunk. I usually end up drunk emailing or surfing porn til I can't see strait.) NO GOOD!
Jabba Jabba Jabba
It really started snowing today.
During the lunch walk I had to wear my boots, gloves and a hat!
I've finally faced the fact that I'm going to have to transition to my winter clothing. On the plus side though winter is the great time to hunker down and start crocheting again.
(Expect scarfs for X Mas again people!)
Oh yeah! I'm starting a sewing class next week, gonna make a dress and then a jacket. VERY exciting eh? I know, I know.... Your jealous right? Well you will be when I'm wearing my cool new 'home made' clothes!
I may even consider making you something beyond a scarf...
If your lucky.
On the other hand, the last 2 shirts I made didn't turn out that great, sooooo...
I suppose we shall have to see.
Well, like I said I put my bike away a couple weeks ago. After careful and long deliberation, I decided that the only way for me to save $$$ this winter was to buy a new car. *I really don't know how I thought that THAT would actually save me money, but either way.*
I am now currently the proud owner of a tiny little baby new car.
WHooo HOooo!
I mean really, what's all this hubbub about an economic crisis? Hell, my IRA may be taking a shit, but god Damn iT! I have a new car!!!!
(Maybe when I retire I'll be able to live in it.) I won't have Social Security either so why not?
PLUS, I only had to spend $50.00 to fill up my gas tank rather than the $100.00 I normally spend! And, although I now have a car pymnt again, at least I can drive to Seward and back with out having to fill up more than once!
Life is very exciting an this winter is going to be totally awesome. I'll try my best to keep everyone up dated on the happenings.
For now, I promised to teach my niece how to make snow balls and build a snow man.
Common Snow!!!!