Over this last long weekend, I spent aloooooot of time extremely bored.
What with everybody out of town for the holiday, my social scheduled suffered something terrible.
So Saturday rolls around and the few friends I still have in town have made other plans, well I do what any gal could do, pawn the kids off and call the one friend that stayed in town and did not have plans.
A man of quality and stature, good ol' KNILES. ( hey ifin I ever get the chance to do ya, that is what I would cry out)
Anyways, KNILES recently had surgery on his knee. Well he was just the perfect friend to ride with, due to his recent temporary decline of physical health, I was able to completely and totally kick his biking ass!
Under normal circumstances this would not have been the case.
So for that I am relish in my victory.
Along the way KNILES and I come up with a few new biking terms.
BB = Ball Banger; Like a Pussy Banger but, well you get the idea!
BBSW= Bike Butt Sweat Wedgie; You sweat so much, that your butt eats your boxers and uses them for a sweat rag!
Yes on occasion I do wear chic boxers. Remember a previous post about a Thong Eating Monster! I don't want that to happen to me, besides I have been told that they do look sexy!
Any who, today I had this bright idea to ride my bike to work. Thinking that if I rode 30 miles with KNILES, what is 25 today.?
Well let me tell what 25 miles today is like...........
It is not as easy as I thought that it would be! Something about riding first thing in the morning after getting everybody off for the day.
I reminded myself along the way how far I had to go, and then how far I had made it.
I met a moose having breakfast, and had to go out of my way to avoid the possibility of getting trampled.
I also ate copious amounts of bugs. (Protein, I guess!)
I did however make it to work and home again. Thank goodness!
So today I really stuck it to the man! Fuck you man! I'll eat bugs before you get one over on me!